Monday, December 07, 2009
PC Madness
Health and Safety Corner
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Remeberance Sunday
Friday, November 06, 2009
Supporting jobs
Thursday, November 05, 2009
I am making this statement as an act of willful defiance of military authority, because I believe that the war is being deliberately prolonged by those who have the power to end it.
I am a soldier, convinced that I am acting on behalf of soldiers. I believe that this war, upon which I entered as a war of defense and liberation, has now become a war of aggression and conquest. I believe that the purposes for which I and my fellow-soldiers entered upon this war should have been so clearly stated as to have made it impossible to change them, and that, had this been done, the objects which actuated us would now be attainable by negotiation.
I have seen and endured the sufferings of the troops, and I can no longer be a party to prolong these sufferings for ends which I believe to be evil and unjust.
I am not protesting against the conduct of the war, but against the political errors and insincerities for which the fighting men are being sacrificed.
On behalf of those who are suffering now I make this protest against the deception which is being practiced on them; also I believe that I may help to destroy the callous complacence with which the majority of those at home regard the continuance of agonies which they do not share, and which they have not sufficient imagination to realize.
Siegfried L. Sassoon, July 1917Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Leader - Political row brewing over Airbus Broughton
Following the leader article today over the Broughton plant, about which so many lies have been told there have been some instructive comments on the Evening Leader's website. Some of the comments are as follows. "Mr Tami knows well that he is part of a totally discredited Labour anything goes...all of a sudden we have claims made that can only lead to the undermining of confidence in Airbus and worse causing worry to the workers and families...and he accuses the Tories of using spin!!"
That quote and others in the thread show that Labour's scare tactics are not washing with the voters in Flintshire.
This quote also was on the website "Seems like New Labour will try anything apart from the truth to gain votes...I honestly hope on a single Labour MP gets elected....".
The tide is turning against Labour in Flintshire. Voters are not willing to accept dirty tactics from Labour anymore, and will want to see some honest debate. Labour's record isnt good. 400,000 more children in child poverty. Mass immgration that Britain was not prepared for, when all our european neighbours took steps to limit the impact of a bigger European Union. The 10 pence tax increase. Motorists being hit every day in the pocket, and talking down the manufacturing business we have here in Flintshire.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Welsh You Gov Poll
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
PMQs and Constitutional reform
Observations of Gary Gibson political commentator and blogger for Channel 4 News "The Prime Minister temporarily forgot himself and attacked David Cameron for talking about namby pamby (my phrase) constitutional stuff when the voters were really interested in public services and the economy....shortly before launching into an hour long statement on the Constitution." Hmmm
It is interesting that following a complete drubbing in the elections GB has suddenly found his passion for Constitutional reform. GB said the Govt was dealing with issues like "housing". In Wales Labour's record on social housing is totally dismal with less council housing being built in the years of devolution than under Mrs Thatcher.
Monday, June 08, 2009
European Elections Frank Field's Views
The following extract was posted by Frank Field today
"Labour supporters claiming that the European results were not a catastrophe for the party can only do so by inventing a new meaning for the word catastrophe. Whether one looks at them on a national, regional or local level the picture is pitiful.
The results reflect the collapse of support for the Government in the country. They also ring a clear verdict on the EU......
Don't let anyone kid themselves that this was an unimportant election where voters felt they could make a clear protest vote. Unless something changes significantly on a national level these results would be reproduced at a general election.Labour cannot win with the present Prime Minister. I was one of the seven who would not support his coronation after Tony Blair was shoehorned out of Number 10. But even I didn't think a Brown administration would be as inept as this one.
The Brownites are attempting to terrorise Labour MPs into inaction. If they succeed then we deserve our fate."
In Delyn Labour got 18.7% of the Votes with the Conservatives on 27.2% share it would appear that voters in Delyn agree with Frank Fields assessment that the Brown Administration is totally inept
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Historic vote in the European Elections in Wales
Not only that but the Flintshire result overall saw voters turning to the positive policies put forward by the Conservatives with Conservatives topping the poll in both Delyn and Alun and Deeside. A Plaid Cmyru MP described the results in Wales as "earth shattering and we are seeing Labour imploding". Were these results to be replicated across the board in an election in Wales in the same proportions it would mean that the Conservatives would gain 17 seats in Wales. I am delighted as I know Dr Kay Swinburn as our MEP will fight hard for the interests of Delyn, she has already been here a number of times and is aware of the issues facing Flintshire.
I believe that I have alot of hard work still to do to earn the respect and trust of every voter in Delyn, but this is a great result for the Conservatives and a miserable night for Labour. So miserable that the Labour agent at the count refused to stay and listen to the result being announced.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
D-Day, ID cards, freedom of speech
I have therefore grown up with a deep distrust of State "controls" which may account for why I am so against ID cards, why political correctness is such a corrosive thing - freedom of speech is vital and yet now many fear that they can not say what they think out of fear of being branded an "ist" racist, sexist etc. The attempted introduction of 42 day detention without trial, a DNA database even for children, and the threat of the compulsory administration of medicines (vaccines) being discussed as a serious idea by a Labour AM here in Wales in the last week. The increasing surveillance society where cctv cameras on streets and roads track our every movement, and with the Government seeking to monitor emails and telephone calls on a huge scale. Local councils using anti terror legislation to monitor benefit claimants and parents sending their children to a particular school. Complicity in "extraordinary rendition" and collusion in the use of torture.
Our freedoms were fought for at great cost.
I want to thank those who gave their lives, I thank those who watched their friends die and have lived with that for so many years, those who came (and to continue to come home) maimed and injured. I also thank those who continue to fight to bring those values to other countries. You have fought for our freedoms at such great cost, and we owe you a duty to preserve the values that you fought for.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
The dying embers?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Alun School students
Friday, March 27, 2009
There are two fantastic organisations who can provide help and support to those who have been through the loss of a child. Both and provide help lines, sources of information and support for families and children.