In a deeply cynical move it appears that BCUHB have drawn attention to a Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists report prepared back in 2013 and reporting in 2014. The report looks back at behaviour in the unit taken place as long ago as 2004.
The fact that this has been highlighted now, is no coincidence. Staff have been told that they can not comment publicly, so are not in a position to rebut claims by the health board. The real question to be asked is why the recommendations in the report were not acted on quickly and seen through. There are serious questions about the "update" report which was with the board papers. It was dated December 2014 and yet it shows that several of the recommendations were not acted upon, and gives no dates as to when procedures were put in place following the RCOG report.
The reason this has been highlighted now, is to try and cause doubt in the minds of the public - well I believe that those protesting against the closure will see through this attempt at smear tactics. If issues were not dealt with - that was the fault of management rather than staff.
Recruitment issues were exacerbated for example by a Matron in the maternity unit being moved against her wishes, and against the wishes of the department. By all accounts she had them all ticking like a well oiled clock with moral improving, and the team working well together. What did the Health Board do? Angela Hopkins and other senior staff ignored pleas not to move her. Forcibly moved to Ysbty Gwynedd, despite having a seriously ill family member, against her will, she resigned and left the BCUHB to work in a new area. The BCUHB then complain that they have recruitment and staff moral issues - is it any wonder why?
I hope the public will not fall for this attempt by senior management to smear their staff. I for one am not taken in.