It would appear that the Welsh Assembly Government has stopped collecting NHS data in order to avoid answering difficult questions on the NHS in Wales. This prevents members of the public asking questions under the Freedom of Information Act of those responsible for Health in Wales. The Labour/Plaid Government would appear to want to limit the ability of the public in Wales to access key information on performance and delivery of services. This begs the question if Labour/Plaid's Government does not have access to the data, how are they able to make sure that services are being delivered properly to people in Wales? Are they able to see if services are being delivered in a way that provides good patient care? It also shows that they are not prepared to look at the clinical impact of their political decisions.
Nick Bourne AM has tabled a number of questions, over 50, which have gone unanswered. Some of these questions have remained unanswered for over 6 months. More seriously data has shown massive increases in waiting times is now not being collected. Waiting times for outpatient treatment has increased by 24,758%, yes that is over twenty four thousand percent, and inpatient treatment waiting times have increased by 4958%. Now the data is "not available" as it is not being collected centrally. This needs explanation, not an attempt to brush it under the carpet and hope that noone notices......
This lack of scrutiny is particularly worrying for the public, who should have the ability to know what the actual position is, rather than the Spin that Labour and Plaid would like to put on their health reforms in Wales.