Friday, September 15, 2006
Andrew Lansley exposes Labour hospital tactics
Labour's obssession with power over good government was again exposed today. It is disgusting that local residents of good hospitals are going to see their services suffer or close because of the Labour party's desire to hold onto marginal seats. Labour have caused this crisis in the NHS through their dotty policies and by creating armies of bureaucrats. Their mismanagement of the health service should make them hang their heads in shame. The local community hospital in Holywell has seen GPs pull out of the walk in minor injuries unit because Labour allowed GPs to pull out of 24 hour cover when they renegotiated the contracts, this has meant that nurses have had to take up even more responsibilities. It has also worsened the local health board budget because Labour forgot that GPs contracts funded beds in community hospitals - by failing to keep that requirement in the new GP budgets the LHBs now have to pay even more money to GPs. The deficit in Wales is running at £76 million and this years overspend for North East Wales Trust is £9 million. Yet the spend on bureaucrats is 20.2 million. ........................